Looked After Children
Nationally, Looked After Children significantly underachieve and
are at greater risk of exclusion, compared with their peers.
Schools have a major part to play in ensuring that Looked After Children are enabled to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy, achieve, make a positive contribution to society and achieve economic well-being.
At Royal Cross believe that by working in close partnership with all professionals involved to safeguard and promote the education of Looked After Children and any previously looked after children.
Our school’s approach to supporting the educational achievement of Looked After Children is based on the following principles:
- Prioritising education
- Promoting attendance
- Targeting support
- Having high expectations
- Promoting inclusion
- Achieving stability and continuity
- Early intervention and priority action
- Listening to children
- Promoting health and well-being
- Working in partnership with carers, social workers and other professionals
Key Contacts for additional information as follows:
Sofia Parveen - Headteacher, Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and designated teacher responsible for Looked After Children.
Claire Cunliffe - Deputy Headteacher and Additional DSL
Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding & Looked After Children – Mr Clive Gregory
Useful Links:
NSPCC - Learning (Looked After Children)
Lancashire County Council's Looked After Children's Guide